Digital Arts Studios, Belfast, 5 September - 5 October 2024

Distributed Domesticity is a body of creative practice and research developed during the HOME residency at Digital Arts Studios, Belfast. This critically investigated the everyday domestic practices for the imagining and consumption of spatiality underpinned by contemporary image-based digital platforms. The practice-based research is contextualised by how platform economies (Airbnb, Uber, Deliveroo, Etzy, etc.) are reconfiguring and distributing domesticity to construct new imaginaries of the home. This continues a line of enquiry on screen-mediated spatialities in which the screen, body and space collide and intersect.

Research focused on the Youtube video sharing platform, positioned as a distinct means by which a plurality of spatial experiences can be consumed in the semi-private sphere of the domestic home. A range of screen-mediated spatial experiences where reviewed and explored, leading to a deeper engagement with semi-amateur urban exploration (UrbEx) of abandoned architectural sites and professionalised residential real estate sales and competitions. These contexts, while opposing, are emblematic in a fetishisation of architectural spaces, a performance of the ‘walkthrough’ to demonstrate visual and auditory aesthetics. To experience via a screen in the home effects an extension into these environments, reterritorializing a domestic practice and desire that celebrates an immersion into the hidden and inaccessible. Deployed in the home, Youtube contributes to the platforming of a domestic experience which extends and distributes in into new spatialities and interiorities.

 To engage fully with these distinct spatialities of the platformed home, the technological processes of photogrammetry and Guassian splatting - extractive technologies of machine vision – were reappropriated to produce a counter-cartography. Experienced via a Virtual Reality interface a digital ‘anarchitecture’ was simulated, that activating an inhabitation of the infrastructure of the (partially) visual encounter and auditory expression of the postdigital spatial condition(ing).


Home as Infrastructure